

    Candle 48W B35 E27 x2

    2700K, 620 lm, 15000 h 8719514313934 Find similar products
    • Warm white light, no compromise on light quality

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      Candle 48W B35 E27 x2

      8719514313934 Find similar products

      Philips LED candles provide a beautiful, warm white light, an exceptionally long life and immediate, significant energy savings. With a pure and elegant design, this light bulb is the perfect replacement for your incandescent candles. See all benefits


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    Warm white light, no compromise on light quality

    Create a warm, inviting ambience

    • Designed for the comfort of your eyes

      Designed for the comfort of your eyes

      It's easy to see how harsh lighting can strain the eyes. Too bright and you get glare. Too soft and you experience flicker. Now you can gently light up your world with LEDs designed to go easy on the eyes, and create the perfect ambience for your home.

    • True incandescent-like warm white light

      True incandescent-like warm white light

      This bulb has a colour temperature of 2,700 K, providing you with a warm, tranquil atmosphere, perfect for relaxing. This 2,700 K light is ideal for home lighting design.

    See all Specifications
    • Designed for the comfort of your eyes. Visit for flicker, strobe and other criteria and product details.