
    Ultra Efficient

    UltraEfficient Filament Candle Clear 40 W B35 E14

    4000K, 485 lm, 50000 h 8720169310674 Find similar products
    • UltraEfficient bulb, our most energy efficient LED bulb yet

      for more information, download here

      Ultra Efficient

      UltraEfficient Filament Candle Clear 40 W B35 E14

      8720169310674 Find similar products

      Philips LED light bulb providing a general lighting solution for daily indoor activities. You will save on energy costs immediately and reduce the frequency of bulb replacements, without compromising on the quality of your lighting. See all benefits


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    UltraEfficient bulb, our most energy efficient LED bulb yet

    For an active, energetic atmosphere

    • Designed for the comfort of your eyes

      Designed for the comfort of your eyes

      It's easy to see how harsh lighting can strain the eyes. Too bright, and you get glare. Too soft and you experience flicker. Now you can gently light up your world with LEDs designed to go easy on the eyes, and create the perfect ambience for your home.

    • Long life bulb - Lasts up to 50 years

      Long life bulb - Lasts up to 50 years

      With a lifetime of up to 50,000 hours, you can reduce the hassle of frequently replacing your light bulbs and enjoy a perfect lighting solution for over 50 years.

    • Saves over 60% energy (Bulb)

      Saves over 60% energy (Bulb)

      Enjoy the energy saving of LEDs without sacrificing light quality. Instantly save over 60% in energy compared to standard Philips LED bulbs.

    See all Specifications