Quality assurance | Philips lighting
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    Lighting built
    on quality

    We put our reliability to the test

    Build your reputation for reliability by using LED components that have undergone the most rigorous global testing and assurance program. So you have the peace of mind of knowing your customers will have the most satisfying experience whenever they buy your products.
    Quality and you

    What quality lighting means for you

    Quality control

    Quality control


    Our globally standardized, gated development and testing process (NPDL) verifies and validates the design of our products and the supplier parts we use, including

    testing mountings to ensure quality and compatibility.

    Reliability program

    Reliability program


    We build our components, products and systems to validated designs that are engineered for best-in-class reliability and governed by rigorous quality assurance

    processes at every stage in the development cycle.

    Best practice testing

    Best practice testing


    Simulations ensure a highly-predictable lifetime with failure rates for solder joints,

    connectors and screws. The Six Sigma standard eliminates product defects and Failure Mode and Effect Analysis drives continuous improvement.




    We also use Advanced Life testing (ALT) to guarantee our products and components have the lowest failure levels in the lighting industry.

    What's new?

    Shining more light on human-centric lighting


    Lighting has a profound effect on people. It has visual, biological and emotional benefits: it makes people see better, feel better and function better. And that makes human-centric lighting paramount for people’s health and wellbeing.

    Quality means different things to different businesses


    Being known for quality doesn’t happen overnight. It’s the result of countless business decisions, each prioritizing a stellar result over an inferior one.

    The value of quality

    Quality from A to Z

    Discover why quality is at the heart of everything we do. From product performance and innovation, to technical support and unrivalled industry expertise.

    Build your business on quality innovation

    Learn how technological innovations are accelerating the efficiency and simplicity of lighting solutions, tackling the future trends and challenges of the industry.

    Get in contact


    Any open questions? Feel free to get in touch with us